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Photo by Caroline Yang


Eligibility and Readiness


All children aged 3 to 6 years old are welcome at Jean Lyle, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, culture, race or socio-economic status. Space is available on a first come, first served basis; however, when space is limited, JLCC may give preference to children of previously enrolled families.

Because local schools do not allow for early admission to kindergarten, the Board of Jean Lyle Children’s Center has determined that students must be at least 3 years old by September 1 of the school year they will attend. Our licensing guidelines require that all students must be toilet-trained to attend school; this means we can’t allow pull-ups. In addition, we recommend that students have participated in ECFE classes or had other early childhood experiences, such as attending music or Sunday school classes, though this is not a requirement for the 3 day classes.

If there is space and your child turns 3 before November, a “late start” is sometimes available. If there is space, and your child is potty trained and ready, they could begin school on their 3rd Birthday.

Registration & Tours


Space is available on a first–come, first–served basis, with some consideration for readiness and gender balance and priority given to current and former families. If no space is available at the time of registration, your child(ren) will be placed on a waiting list. Please note that a registration form and non-refundable deposit must be submitted to secure a spot in one of our classes or on our waiting list.

New Families

If your family is new to JLCC, parents must first visit our school without their child before registering for classes. Tours are conducted throughout the year, beginning in October. Upon completion of this visit, a registration form and a non-refundable deposit can then be submitted to hold your spot. In the summertime, we have an orientation day (a shortened school day) for your child to come with an adult to practice the school routine with new friends and teachers.

Current and Returning Families

JLCC families, both current and returning, must submit a registration form and non-refundable deposit to secure their place at Jean Lyle for the following school year. Forms and deposits may be returned as early as September.


Parents typically tour the school (without children if at all possible) before being eligible to register. With covid restrictions, this can be done virtually or in-person. Tours are conducted regularly as needed, usually on Wednesdays or Fridays. We try to have families visit the classrooms while school is in session so they may view the children and the school as it functions. We tour the entire site including Office, Big Room, Gym, Sunshine Room and Club rooms.